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Booking Support

Auditorium allocation and teaching

The allocation of auditoriums is a key tool for distributing teaching at AAU in auditoriums and seminar rooms with more than 80 seats, which are part of the 'shared pool'

Booking Support

Auditorium allocation and teaching

The allocation of auditoriums is a key tool for distributing teaching at AAU in auditoriums and seminar rooms with more than 80 seats, which are part of the 'shared pool'

Auditorium allocation

Auditorium allocation occurs twice a year. Planning for the autumn semesters begins around March of the current year, while planning for the spring semesters starts around September of the previous year

All advance bookings (large combined classes, AAU-promoting events/activities, continuing education, etc.) begin in February for the autumn semesters and in August for the spring semesters. If these are not submitted on time, the allocation of regular teaching will be prioritized before other bookings are reopened

Until the auditorium allocation is completed, it is not possible to book teaching or other events for the semester period.

If your program wishes to be included in the auditorium allocation or has questions about it, please contact bookingsupport@adm.aau.dk with 'Regarding AUDITORIUM ALLOCATION' in the subject line.


Teaching at Aalborg University is divided into daily time slots. Each time slot corresponds to 2 x 45 minutes with a 15-minute break* (see point 2 in the scheduling policy).

Study secretaries can book teaching slots in available rooms at any time within the semester period, once the auditorium allocation is completed

Webbook - Room Booking System

Teaching is booked through the room booking system Webbook, which staff can access via personal user logins (study secretaries) or through our guest login, which can be assigned to AAU-staff by contacting bookingsupport@adm.aau.dk.

Note: Guest logins are not assigned to students, external partners, or external companies.

To register new study secretary user logins, we need the following information in an email:

Full name
E-mail address
Local number (9940 xxxx)
Permission (which can be granted based on a colleague's login)