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Booking Support

Event-equipment and transportation

Do you need event equipment for an event at Aalborg University? Or do you need help moving tables and chairs? You can order these services through Booking Support

Booking Support

Event-equipment and transportation

Do you need event equipment for an event at Aalborg University? Or do you need help moving tables and chairs? You can order these services through Booking Support


At Booking Support, we offer a wide range of event equipment that can be ordered for your event. Please refer to the current equipment and order list for available option


If you need to move tables, chairs, or equipment from one location to another, you can contact Booking Support's transport team facilitysupport@adm.aau.dk 

Price and order list

Here you will find a list of our event equipment and the options available for purchase in connection with your event. Please note that additional costs may apply depending on the facilities chosen

Price and order list, including current pricelist as of 01.07.2024


If you have questions regarding event-equipment, you can contact

Find information about

  • Fire regulations

  • Loan of canteen areas

  • Cleaning

  • Payment