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Booking Support

For companies and other external organizations

If your company is planning to host social gatherings, professional events, or private functions, you can rent premises at Aalborg University at any time

Booking Support

For companies and other external organizations

If your company is planning to host social gatherings, professional events, or private functions, you can rent premises at Aalborg University at any time

Loan of premises 

All bookings, regardless of the time of day, must be made through our online booking form. Please note the price list for externally hosted events, including cancellation policies

The agreement for room booking must be approved by both parties (the renter and the Booking Manager) at least 7 days before the event. The request must be received by the Booking Manager at least 2 weeks before the event, unless otherwise agreed.

You can expect a processing time of 7-10 days.

All events must end by 01:00 at the latest. The time for returning the room will be coordinated with the Booking Manager

The use of university facilities requires compliance with the rules for borrowing rooms. This means that:

  • The activity must always be compatible with Danish democratic values.
  • The activity must always be compatible with the University's reputation.
  • The activity must always be conducted in a safe manner.

When Aalborg University offers rooms and facilities, it is with the expectation that they will be used and managed responsibly, ethically, and in a lawful manner. Therefore, rooms may only be used for the specific purpose for which they have been made available


If you have any questions regarding bookings, you can contact