Booking Support
Student bars og student associations

Booking Support
Student bars og student associations

Loan of premises to students og student associations
Aalborg University aims to promote a positive study environment for its students by supporting students and student associations in organizing beneficial academic and social activities and events for fellow students on the university's campuses.
Aalborg University therefore wishes to provide students, including student associations at AAU, with the opportunity to borrow rooms to create a vibrant and positive study environment.
The Rector has delegated the assessment of room loans to Campus Service. This means that ALL Student bars must be booked via Booking Supports booking forms.
Loan of room
To loan rooms and hold activities as a student association or organization, registration is required
Register a student association
When the association is registered and approved, fill out the booking form.
Students should expect that there will be a prioritization of rooms in relation to teaching and research activities, the university's own events, and external collaborations, etc. Therefore, it is not guaranteed that you can have access to the desired room at the desired time
Aktive student associations
Here you will find a list of all registered student associations at Aalborg University.
Rules for student-run Student Bars
Booking Support annually convenes all approved Student Bars for a meeting, typically held at the beginning of the year. During the meeting, it is decided which rooms and areas each Student Bar will have access to, which storage facilities they can use, their permitted opening hours, and other related matters.
Note: Student Bars must use the rooms and areas allocated to them. It is not permitted to move the event/party to other locations without coordination with Booking Support. This ensures tidy and clean facilities at Aalborg University.
Aalborg University has formulated a set of regulations that govern the collaboration between the university and the students, including student associations at AAU. The regulations outline guidelines and criteria for cooperation, including the involvement of the university in career-promoting activities. The university expects students to have read the regulations and to act in accordance with them.
Read the guidelines for student-run Student Bars in City and East
If you have any questions regarding bookings, you can contact
- Aalborg:
- Esbjerg:
- Copenhagen: