Campus Service CPH
Conferences and events

Campus Service CPH
Conferences and events

You have many options, when you are planning a conference or an event on campus CPH. Campus Service CPH is happy to help with guidance on rooms, facilities, lending of materials and service-needs.
For questions and coordination Campus Service CPH can be contacted on
What to remember?
We have compiled a selection of questions below, that will be good to go through before you book rooms or contact Campus Service CPH.
Booking of rooms
It is possible to book seminar rooms (under 80 people) and auditoriums (over 80 people) at AAU CPH:
You can also borrow the canteen-areas on campus:
- Canteen, building A (A.C. Meyers Vænge 15) (400 people incl. the conference room and the rotunda)
- Canteen, building B (Frederikskaj 12) (200 people)