Campus Service CPH
Facility Support CPH

Campus Service CPH
Facility Support CPH

Opening hours
Opening hours are Monday-Thursday at 8.00 - 15.30 and Friday at 8.00 - 15.00.
Telephone during opening hours: +45 9940 2571
Emergency phone
In the event of acute damages to buildings or installations (e.g. acute water damage, cooling failure etc.), you must, both within and outside normal working hours, call Campus Service CPH on: +45 9940 3600.
How can we help you?
Facility Support helps with a wide range of things:
- Activation of student and employee cards (for special information about access cards and rules for this at AAU, click here)
- Photos for new employee cards
- Issue of guest cards and rules for access in general
- Supervision of buildings and outdoor areas, including group and seminar rooms
- Lending of extension cords
- Delivery of paper to copiers/multi-machines
- Replacing toner on copiers/multi-machines (not printers)
- Setting up of furniture in connection with teaching
- Maintenance and filling of coffee machines
- Administration of parking licences
- Replacement of lighting sources
- Mail handling and sorting of letters and parcels
- Management of cleaning